Service Fees

Did you know we now offer an interest free vacation loan? Ask us about it today! We always match our competitors rates on auto and recreational loans to qualified buyers.

If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please call Mary at (850) 693-8422.

Last Dividend Declaration Date: March 30, 2007. **APY = Annual Percentage Yield

The dividend rates and APYs listed for a share/savings, sharedraft, and money market accounts were the rates paid on the last dividend declaration date set forth above. They are compounded monthly, based on the daily balance. These dividend rates and APYs may change every month, as determined by the Board of Directors (APY assumes all dividends are reinvested.) Account balance must have a minimum balance of $100.00 to earn dividends. For accounts with tiered rates, if the average daily balance in the account is equal to or exceeds the minimum tier amount, the dividend rate and APY will be paid on the entire balance in the account. Dividends are paid from current Income and available earnings, after the required transfers to reserves at the end of the dividend period. Fees and other conditions could reduce the earnings. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal of share certificates. Share accounts are insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Insurance Fund, an independent agency of the United States Government.

Share Rates

Rate Type APR* APY**
Share Rate Call today for current rates and terms.
Share Draft Rate Call today for current rates and terms.
Share Certificate Rate Call today for current rates and terms.

Transaction Fees

Transaction Type Fee
Foreign Transaction Fee
  • 1.00% of each multiple currency transaction in U.S. Dollars
  • 0.80% of each single currency transaction in U.S. Dollars

Penalty Fees

Transaction Type Fee
Check Fee Up to $50.00
How We Will Calculate Your Balance We use a method called "average daily balance" (including new purchases) Effective Date: The information about costs of the card described is accurate as of August 1, 2015. This information may have changed after that date. To find out what may have changed, contact the Credit Union.

Other Disclosures

Fee Type Fee
Statement Copy Fee $3.00 first page - $1.00 each additional page